You may be familiar with the "ACA Characteristics". Here is some positive reinforcement in the form of "The ACA Affirmations". It's great to have a goal and some feedback to measure progress.
Check these out and see how far you've already come!
People in authority don’t frighten me anymore
I don’t need the approval of others in order to be ok
I’m not a victim any longer
I take care of my own wants and needs
I don’t need to rescue people anymore
I don’t judge myself harshly when things don’t turn out perfect. I try to learn from my mistakes
I know how to have fun
I’m a normal person
I’m not super responsible or super irresponsible, I’m balanced
I am able to have intimate relationships
I no longer isolate myself from others even when things are not going well
When someone disapproves of me I no longer need to change their mind
Angry people don’t frighten me
I don’t live on the edge taking risks all the time anymore
I stand up for myself rather than giving into the demands of others
I tell others about my feelings
I don’t lock myself into a course of action anymore
I don’t spend time cleaning up problems after others anymore
A big thanks to "R" for sharing this.
Check out the Orange County ACA website at: Orange County Adult Children
I learned that when I said,"Affirmation don't work for me" because my inner voice said, "The affirmations were not true" that actually the affirmations did work by helping me track down my inner critics voice.
That was a break through for me!It is now a process of elimination sort of thing for me :-)
Progress not perfection patience and persistence
thank you for these pages
Theses affirmations are very helpful in daily life...if your suffering for awhile these words tend to heal old wounds..
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