According to GettingThemSober.com:
46% of American households have alcoholism.
Wow, almost HALF by their count.
75-80% of helping professionals in the U.S. under the age of 55 are adult children of alcoholics and 60% of physicians (who are U.S.-born) under the age of 55 are first-born children of alcoholics.
83% of nurses are adult children of alcoholics.
This is a staggeringly high number! Helps explain the stats that follow...
The American Nurses Association states that 20% of nurses have 'substance abuse issues' with an an estimated 40,000 nurses in the U.S. experiencing alcoholism. Binge drinking was highest among oncology, emergency, and critical care nurses.
Odds of marijuana use are 3.5 times higher among emergency nurses. Pediatric and emergency nurses reported a higher use of cocaine than other specialties. Oncology nurses reported the highest overall drug use – for all substances combined.
Looks like growing up in an environment of substance abuse combined with having a genetic predisposition to it, is taking it's toll here. Nursing has traditionally been a profession known for compassion and empathy. Looks like nurses (and doctors) could use a bit of this medicine themselves.
Check out the Orange County ACA website at: Orange County Adult Children
I have been in the medical field for 36 years and can easily state the facts represented here are very true. Taking care of others while feeling guilty for ones own needs is pretty commonplace. Another sad part of it is that many are recognized in a positive light for all this. The present environment of tight budgets, long hours and focus on PR at hospitals makes this a problem that is only gonna get worse in my opinion. Many facilties strive to make the patient the primary customer (which is of course correct) but ignore the needs of the clinician at the same time.
I'm interested to know where you get your stats! Seems a little high to me (no pun intended!) and I'd like to see the research these numbers are taken from. 83% of nurses? Yikes! Please share your sources!
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