
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Manipulative and Coercive Psychology: Rules of Order in Crazy-Making Families by Rodger ...

Manipulative and Coercive Psychology: Rules of Order in Crazy-Making Families by Rodger ...: "Initially trained more than 30 years ago to be a cult deprogrammer, I have been struck again and again since being trained in family therapy..."

Eye opening post about dysfunctional family dynamics, their symptoms and affects: Role Reversal, Phony Communication, Boundary Jumping and Victimization amongst others.

"In Miller's and Black's view, the children of dysfunctional, crazing-making families are viewed as chattel or possessions who exist to serve the emotional, narcissistic needs of parents who were themselves denied rights to their own thoughts and feelings. The dynamics of possession of children as objects rather than people has been normalized over the course of generations. No one in the crazy-making family sees this to be the case, of course..."

There's more at the link above.

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